Be inspired. Get involved. Give back.
Our active senior living community has a rich history of community service in Milton that dates back long before the Milton Fuller Housing Corporation ever existed.
The Village’s namesake is in honor of Caroline Weld Fuller, daughter of a prominent Boston family, who was crippled in a riding accident at age 20. Upon her death in 1933, she set aside the bulk of her fortune to create a place where women who lived alone could find “the comforts of home.” Executors of Fuller’s will purchase a 32-acre estate in the Brush Hill Road district. In 1997, the property transferred ownership to the non-profit Milton Fuller Housing Corporation.
Today, people from all over have discovered the comforts of home here at Fuller Village. In keeping with Fuller Village’s Board of Directors commitment to the Town of Milton, our residents also have been delighted to give back to the wonderful community that they live in and love.

Some of our proud community initiatives include:
School Volunteers: Residents volunteer their time and talents to the Milton Public Schools—helping with math, reading and general classroom support.
Resident Gardeners: Residents gladly set aside a portion of their gardening plots to raise fresh vegetables for the Milton Food Pantry.
Project Linus: The Fuller Village knitters and sewers meet weekly to create blankets for children in need.
Toys for Tots: Fuller Village Marine Corp veterans run a holiday drive, in conjunction with the Milton Fire Department to collect toys for children in need.
New England Shelter for Homeless Veterans: Twice a year, residents host a group of homeless veterans for lunch and a cribbage tournament. During the holidays, clothes, supermarket shopping cards and toiletries are offered as gifts.
Fuller Village Chorus: Our award-winning group performs at Fuller Village throughout the year.
Community Giving: The Board of Directors of Fuller Village supports a myriad of programs including:
- Milton Foundation for Education
- Milton High School Science Lab
- Milton Parks and Recreation Special Needs
- Use of the Fuller Village pool for swimming lessons for community children
- Use of meeting space for local non-profits
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